The Democratic Dispatch - Newsletter of the Collier County Democratic Party

March 2024

Letter from the Chair

Voting is the cornerstone of a functioning democracy, providing citizens with a crucial means to express their preferences and influence the direction of their society. It empowers individuals to contribute to the selection of leaders and policies that align with their values.

The March Presidential Primary Election has begun for individuals who vote by mail. Early voting starts on March 9 through March 16 and in person voting is on March 19. Not all voters will vote in the March Presidential Primary Election. Since Joe Biden is the only candidate in this Presidential Primary, Democrats and voters with no Party affiliation will not be choosing a candidate. However, the voters in the city of Naples will be choosing a mayor and city council members. Naples voters will determine how your leaders will address cleaning the waterways and keeping them clean, regulating real estate development, affordable housing, and other issues you care about. Marco Island residents will be voting on a referendum to decide if the salary for elected officials should be increased and if the titles for Chairman and Vice-Chairman should  be changed to Mayor and Vice-Mayor.

Be an informed voter. Please BEWARE!  Election shenanigans have already begun! Exercise caution with political communications, including ads, emails, text messages, tweets, and Facebook posts. Ensure you scrutinize the source and remember, political ads must disclose their sponsors, typically found at the bottom of the ad. Stay vigilant and be informed. We can expect these shenanigans to continue through the November election..

The Collier County Democratic Party is committed to ensuring that voters understand the importance of voting in local elections. Contact us at with any questions.

And remember, everyone was deleted from Vote-By-Mail at the end of 2022. If you want to vote by mail in any of the three elections this year you must request your ballot 10 days prior to the in person election date. Contact the Supervisor of Elections office to request your Vote-By-Mail ballot at (239) 252-VOTE (8683) or at

Vice Chair Musings

The recent pilot neighborhood Meet & Greets have been a great success! Neighbors from all walks of life came together in a relaxed, social setting to meet like-minded people, share some drinks and food, learn about local Democratic organizations, and discuss the issues that matter to them.

The atmosphere at each Meet & Greet was warm and welcoming, with neighbors eager to connect with one another and share their thoughts and ideas. It has been truly inspiring to see so many people come together to make a difference in their community.

Many attendees expressed their appreciation for the opportunity to meet their neighbors and learn about the ways to get involved with local politics. They were particularly interested in hearing about upcoming local elections and how they could make their voices heard.

We are thrilled with the positive response to the Meet & Greets so far and are committed to continuing this initiative. If you would like to host a Meet & Greet in your neighborhood, please contact us. We will provide you with all the necessary materials and support.

You can also request a Meet & Greet for your area, even if you can’t host it yourself. If you let us know your neighborhood, we’ll work to make it happen.

Together, we can build a stronger, more connected community!

Sandy Ussia

Collier Dems Vice Chair

Collier County Democratic Executive Committee
The Democratic Executive Committee (DEC) will meet
MARCH 6, 2024 – 6:00 PM Meet & Greet, 6:30 PM Meeting
at Collier County Democratic Party Headquarters

600 Goodlette Road #110, Naples FL 34102

The DEC is the local official arm of the Florida Democratic Party and is comprised of elected Committeemen and Women. Official meetings are held on the first Wednesday of each month at 6:30 PM. We will hold a public Meet & Greet at 6:00 PM at our March meeting. Please join us!

Registered Democrats may attend and observe as guests, and all attendees must register ahead of time. Only DEC members may vote and participate in the meeting. Attendees are encouraged to join 10 minutes early to get settled before the meeting begins.

Collier County Democratic Club
The Collier County Democratic Club (CCDC) will meet
MARCH 18, 2024 – 6:00-7:30 PM

Collier County Education Center – 6710 Lone Oak Blvd, Naples FL 34109


Presentation topic: SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE. We need to clearly understand why the separation of church and state was a bedrock ideal brought forth by the framers of our constitution, and why we must push back against a Christian Nationalist movement that threatens our ongoing experiment in democracy.

Rev. Tony Fisher was ordained into the Unitarian Universalist ministry in 2014 after a 35-year career in educational publishing. He was called to serve in the Greater Naples Congregation, and after witnessing inequities in our society, has felt the need to change within and to speak up for change in the world.

👈 Please RSVP using the registration button!

Democratic Women's Club of Marco
The Democratic Women’s Club of Marco (DWC Marco) will meet
MARCH 12, 2024 – 5:00-6:30 PM

Mackle Park Community Center – 1361 Andalusia Terrace, Marco Island

Featuring Collier County Public School (CCPS) Superintendent DR. LESLIE RICCIARDELLI

Dr. Ricciardelli has devoted her life’s work to strengthening the quality of education in Collier County. In 2022, as interim superintendent she quickly demonstrated consensus-building skills in working with the School Board, colleagues, and community members to implement a shared vision of positive student outcomes. She set a course for improving the climate and culture in CCPS, opening lines of communication between and among all stakeholders. Following a national search, the School Board appointed Dr. Ricciardelli as superintendent in May 2023.

Join Us! Doors open for sign in at 4:45pm, and the meeting will begin promptly at 5:00pm. Please be on time.

👈 Please RSVP using the registration button!

Community members interested in joining the club and promoting our Democratic values while supporting its charitable efforts can go to or contact us at

Collier County Democratic Environmental Caucus
The Collier County Democratic Environmental Caucus
If your interest is environmental and climate issues, this is for you.
  • Advocacy: work with residents of the River Park East Community to bring resources that will help protect their homes from coastal storms and flooding.
  • Social:  work with Collier Dems and Democratic social clubs to hold fun events with registered Democrats to meet with other Democrats and help us all understand how to vote in local elections and on upcoming ballot initiatives.
  • RTCW:  Join the renewed effort to get the Right to Clean Water Amendment on the ballot in 2026.
  • State Caucus Activities: recruit good environmental candidates, legislative alert activities, candidate and voter education about good environmental policy.
If you are interested in any of those activities at our county or state level, contact Judy Freiberg at

Democratic National Convention Delegate Caucus

April 18 and 20

How would you like to represent your Congressional District at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago in August? Apply by March 25 for your chance to appear on the delegate ballot in April.

The 2024 Democratic National Convention will take place in Chicago August 19-22. Florida’s 146 pledged District-Level Delegates to the convention will be elected throughout the state by votes cast at the Congressional District Caucus locations in April. Elections for delegates from Collier County’s Congressional Districts will be held on April 18th from 6:30pm to 8:30pm and on April 20th from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM at Collier County Democratic Party headquarters for residents in CD 19 and at the Golden Gate Community Center for residents in CD 26.

To run for District-Level Delegate, candidates will file a form available on between February 5 and noon on March 25. Presidential candidates have the right of review for any candidates to appear on the Congressional District ballot, and completing a filing form is not a guarantee that you will appear on the ballot.

It costs nothing to apply, but if elected to be a delegate, the Chicago Convention hotel, the Palmer House, costs $359/night plus taxes and fees. The FDP is suggesting a 5-night stay for convention goers. For more information on applying and the delegate selection process, please visit

Leadership Blue 2024

May 3-5

The Florida Democratic Party is excited to announce Leadership Blue 2024 will take place from Friday, May 3rd to Sunday, May 5th at Disney’s Contemporary Resort in Orlando, FL!

“Leadership Blue is the Florida Democratic Party’s most important fundraising event of the year,” said FDP Executive Director Phillip Jerez. “Democrats from Pensacola to Key West will gather in Orlando for the final time before the August primary elections, and the funds raised will play a critical role in our plan to take back Florida.

“Last year, we shook up the formula for what a Florida Democratic Party fundraiser could look like — our sold out gala raised over three quarters of a million dollars in an action-packed evening featuring keynote speaker Bradley Whitford, multicultural creative talent from all across Florida, and the launch of our new party brand. We’ve got even more surprises in store this year for Florida Democrats, so make sure you get your gala tickets before they’re gone.”

Leadership Blue Gala

Individual tickets and table pricing are available now for the Saturday evening gala. To honor our partnership with our DECs, Clubs, and Caucuses we have provided a discounted rate available only to your organizations. Act quickly as this pricing is limited! See to get your tickets and email with any questions.

Room Block

We have secured a special rate for Leadership Blue guests at both Disney’s Contemporary Resort and Disney’s Port Orleans Resort – Riverside. A limited room block is available at the Contemporary for $365 per night before taxes and fees. We have also secured a limited block at Port Orleans – Riverside for $249 per night. Be sure to book your room before the April 3 deadline, as we expect to sell out. You can book directly on

Ongoing meetings – Make your voice heard in local government!

Collier County Board of County Commissioners

Collier County School Board

Naples City Council

Noticias Políticas Para Hispanos – 1 de marzo de 2024

“Salvar la Democracia” – La Fábula de los Republicanos del MAGA

El desprecio por nuestro gobierno y nuestro sistema democrático de elecciones se ha convertido en un tema central para la derecha política durante estos últimos años. La continua promoción por parte de Donald Trump de la Gran Mentira Electoral de 2000 y sus ataques infundados al sistema judicial del país, el FBI, la CIA, su sistema de salud pública y muchas otras instituciones importantes sirven como advertencia de su desdén por las instituciones democráticas y las reglas de la ley.  Sus feroces ataques contra los inmigrantes, la amenaza de militarización de los campos de refugiados y la expulsión forzada de millones de refugiados, incluidos los Dreamers, deberían generar serias preocupaciones en las comunidades hispanas de Florida y de todo el país.

Las acciones anteriores demuestran que, para el expresidente y sus partidarios, la afirmación de que se han negado las elecciones se ha convertido ahora en una declaración de fe engañosa. Se basa más en teorías de conspiración, en la desconfianza hacia los enemigos de Trump y no en hechos sólidos y verificables. La Gran Mentira ahora promueve la acusación de que las elecciones son ilegítimas y cuestiona la validez de la democracia si no protege y promueve los intereses de un grupo minoritario de oposición que se considera dañado o ignorado por el sistema de gobierno.

La democracia en Estados Unidos se ve ahora aún más amenazada por grupos de derecha que se preparan para desmembrar el gobierno federal si Trump es reelegido. El Proyecto 2025, financiado por la Heritage Foundation e impulsado por exfuncionarios de la administración Trump, según AP, planea una purga de  miles de empleados federales reemplazando los puestos bajo el sistema de la administración civil con puestos sujeto a patronato. Además, pretenden emprender una venganza contra sus oponentes políticos e impedir que el FBI detenga la difusión de información errónea, respaldando así la transmisión amplia de propaganda falsa para sabotear el país.  

Él y sus partidarios además buscan abandonar nuestras alianzas militares clave en todo el mundo, alegando falsamente que no son de nuestro interés, poniendo así en peligro la paz global y nuestra preferencia de evitar comprometer nuestras fuerzas armadas y recursos a una más probable pero evitable guerra.  Este escenario se está materializando actualmente en Ucrania debido a que la Cámara de Representantes de los Estados Unidos, por instigación de Trump, no ha apropiado adicionales fondos para la ayuda militar que se necesita con urgencia.

Desde la década de 1950, millones de personas han emigrado, legal e ilegalmente, a Estados Unidos escapando de gobernantes autocráticos fuertes en el Caribe y América Latina. La destrucción de las instituciones democráticas en esos países y los consiguientes tumultos económicos acabaron con las aspiraciones de muchos de un futuro mejor en su país de origen. Los casos más notables han sido los inmigrantes refugiados de Cuba, República Dominicana, Guatemala, Nicaragua y, más recientemente, Venezuela.

Si bien muchos regímenes autocráticos en América Latina han sido asociados con la extrema izquierda, muchos se han alineado con la ultraderecha. Es irónico, por lo tanto, que muchos refugiados hispanos, particularmente aquellos que residen en el sur de Florida, ahora muestren apoyo a los candidatos y políticas de los republicanos del MAGA después de sufrir seriamente los peligros que los regímenes dictatoriales traen a las libertades individuales, el estado de derecho y el daño a la vitalidad y oportunidades económicas.

Además del grave riesgo que representa para la comunidad hispana los fines de los planes del movimiento MAGA, así como también para muchos votantes de menores ingresos que apoyan a Trump, está la intención declarada de eliminar programas gubernamentales importantes de jubilación y salud. Estos incluyen la eliminación de Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, la Ley de Atención Médica Asequible, CHIPS y una serie de otros programas promulgados durante las administraciones presidenciales demócratas con el objetivo de proteger al público estadounidense con beneficios de jubilación garantizados y programas de atención médica asequibles.

Las comunidades hispanas y otros grupos de ciudadanos son los principales beneficiarios de estos programas y dependen significativamente de sus beneficios para su propio bienestar.


Al reconocer su historial de tener que escapar de regímenes de dictadores, las comunidades hispanas en el sur de Florida y en todo el país no deberían apoyar las políticas de derecha de Trump y el MAGA. El plan del movimiento MAGA es destruir: 1) los derechos de voto de los grupos subrepresentados, 2) el gobierno democrático, 3) el estado de derecho basado en un sistema judicial independiente e imparcial, 4) programas sociales para garantizar que los estadounidenses tengan atención médica asequible y beneficios de jubilación y 5) libertades básicas garantizadas en la Declaración de Derechos de la Constitución de los Estados Unidos, incluidos los derechos de las mujeres a ser tratadas con igualdad y tener libertad de reproducción sobre su propia salud, cuerpo y familia.

Las comunidades hispanas en todo el país llegaron a Estados Unidos y prosperaron bajo una sociedad democrática, comprensiva con oportunidades económicas para todos. Pero ahora algunos, olvidando las razones por las cual escaparon a Estados Unidos, se están uniendo equivocadamente al movimiento para destruir la democracia, ejercer represalias políticas y poner en peligro las oportunidades y los programas de los cuales ellos dependen en gran medida. Es precisamente eso es lo que apuntan lograr las políticas de derecha de Trump y el movimiento MAGA.

Voluntarios en 2024 Para las Campañas del Partido Demócrata en el Condado de Collier

El Partido Demócrata del condado de Collier necesita urgentemente su ayuda para asistirnos en las campañas electorales de 2024. Contamos con varios comités donde se pueden utilizar sus talentos y tiempo. Estos incluyen la participación en comités centrados en comunicaciones y mensajes, campañas, registro de votantes y eventos comunitarios. Se necesitará ayuda para la protección de los votantes (observación de elecciones, saludo en las urnas y más).

Por favor comuníquese con el Partido Demócrata del condado de Collier a través de lo siguiente:

  • Email:
  • Numero de teléfono: (239) 434-7754
  • Website:

Registro de Votantes

Lo antemencionado subraya la importancia para todos eligibles ciudadanos hispanos para:

  1. Registrarse como votantes – haga el Clique a
  2. Ejercer su voto en los periodos designados para votar en persona o registrarse para votar mediante boleto por correo – haga el Clique a

We encourage all voters to register for vote by mail now, even if you intend to vote in person at election time. This gives you an option should something come up. In addition, receiving a ballot in the mail allows you to read through it prior to voting, even if you then go to the polls to vote. REQUEST YOUR MAIL BALLOT TODAY.

The Presidential Preference Primary election will be held on March 19, 2024. However, most Democrats in Collier County will not have a ballot this cycle, as Joe Biden is the Democratic Presidential candidate in Florida.

Note that if you live within the City of Naples, there will be a General Election on March 19 for Naples City Mayor and 3 Council members. Learn more about Naples City elections.

If you live on Marco Island, you can vote on a ballot referendum on March 19. Read the referendum text here.

Attend an orientation session to learn more about the Collier County Democratic Party and join our dedicated group of volunteers.

There is lots of work to be done as we approach the 2024 Election and WE NEED YOU!

There are many opportunities to choose from; contribute your time and talent to an activity you select.

CLICK HERE to register for an orientation session to learn about the organization and the multiple committees that advance our mission. If you cannot find a time that works for you, contact Vickie McCormick and she will find a time that fits into your schedule.

Current volunteer opportunities include…

  • Host a Meet & Greet social in your neighborhood or join the committee to help out
  • Help out at Collier Dems HQ
  • Communications committee
  • Campaign committee
  • Voter Registration efforts

The Collier County Democratic Executive Committee (CCDEC) is the official, local county arm of the Florida Democratic Party. The CCDEC has oversight over all Democratic Party activities within Collier County. LEARN MORE


Your Collier County Democratic Party is an all-volunteer self-sustaining organization. Your donations allow us to support Democratic candidates, prepare election materials for distribution to voters, help fund our vote-by-mail and voter registration efforts, and allow us to maintain a local party headquarters for the use of volunteers and candidates.

Can you donate just $20.24 today for our 2024 Victory Fund? Thank you!
HELP US #AmplifyYourVoice!
Collier County Democratic Party
Florida Democratic Party
Partido Demócrata de Florida