

Please Make A Single or Recurring Monthly Donation

With your donation, we will change Collier County politics to strengthen Democratic values that serve the American people. Whatever amount you can afford, it will make a difference!

Your Collier County Democratic Party is an all-volunteer donor-funded organization. Your donations allow us to support Democratic candidates, prepare election materials for distribution to voters, help fund our vote-by-mail and voter registration efforts, and allow us to maintain a local party headquarters for the use of volunteers and candidates.

We’re gearing up for November 2024, can you donate just $20.24 today?

Donate Today

Prefer to Mail a Check?

Please click the button below for a required donation form. Print your completed form and enclose it with your check made payable to the “DEC”

Mail check and form to:

Collier County Democratic Party, P O Box 9016, Naples, FL 34101.

Donate By Check