The Democratic Dispatch - Newsletter of the Collier County Democratic Party

January 2024

Letter from the Chair

As we usher in the new year, we are thrilled to present the fresh and vibrant new look of our newsletter! Recognizing that we stand at the threshold of a year poised to be one of the most critical in our nation’s history, we embark on this journey with great anticipation. The team has dedicated tireless efforts to unveil a design that mirrors our commitment to innovation and engagement.

 Your support is integral, and we eagerly anticipate keeping you informed and inspired throughout this vital journey. We invite your feedback and continuing suggestions for improving communication at Together, let’s steadfastly commit to the cause of preserving and fortifying our democracy. 

 Stay tuned for exciting content and updates as we navigate this consequential year together. Thank you for your unwavering support, and here’s to a year filled with meaningful connections and impactful engagement.

Happy new year, Collier Dems! We are truly #StrongerTogether.

Collier County Democratic Executive Committee
The Democratic Executive Committee (DEC) will meet
JANUARY 3, 2024 – 6:30 PM
at Collier County Democratic Party Headquarters

600 Goodlette Road #110, Naples FL 34102

The DEC is the local official arm of the Florida Democratic Party and is comprised of elected Committeemen and Women. Official meetings are held on the first Wednesday of each month at 6:30 PM.

Registered Democrats may attend and observe as guests, and guests must register ahead of time. Only DEC members may vote and participate in the meeting. Attendees are encouraged to join 10 minutes early to get settled before the meeting begins.

Collier County Democratic Club
The Collier County Democratic Club (CCDC) will meet
JANUARY 15, 2024 – 6:00-7:30 PM

Collier County Education Center – 6710 Lone Oak Blvd, Naples FL 34109

Featuring SANDY PARKER of Sparker’s Soapbox

Sandy Parker, author of Sparker’s Soapbox, will speak about our Collier County elections, as her mission is to encourage informed voting. She will explain that Florida is a “closed primary” state and how the legality of Florida’s “write-in loophole” has shaped Collier County’s political environment, using Byron Daniels’ 2020 election to Congress and the election last year of Chris Hall and Daniel Kowal to the Collier County Commission as examples. She will also give a heads-up on the more than two dozen state and local offices that will be on the August 2024 ballot.

Sandy received her BA in American Studies from Rutgers University and an MBA from the Wharton School. She retired as a Vice President and Treasurer of the Dun & Bradstreet Corporation.

Democratic Women's Club of Marco
The Democratic Women’s Club of Marco (DWC Marco) will meet
JANUARY 9, 2024 – 5:00 – 6:30 PM

Mackle Park Community Center – 1361 Andalusia Terrace

Featuring Congressional Candidate, KARI LERNER

Kari Lerner is an experienced legislator, business woman, and strong public servant who is running for United States Congress against Byron Donalds. She will be fighting for our freedoms! Kari needs our support so we will be bundling contributions for her campaign.

Kari’s campaign website

Kari’s campaign YouTube channel

Frightened about what’s happening in this country, our state and our local communities? YOU can change things, and NOW is the time to act! At our January meeting you will get information on all the various volunteer opportunities supporting our efforts to save democracy in 2024.

JOIN US! Doors open for sign-in at 4:45pm, and the meeting will begin promptly at 5:00pm. Please be on time.

Community members interested in joining the club and promoting our Democratic values while supporting its charitable efforts can go to or contact us at

Collier County Democratic Environmental Caucus
The Collier County Democratic Environmental Caucus

In this election year, the Collier County Democratic Environmental Caucus of Florida (DECF) will be energizing voters with environmental issues, whether through Meet-and-Greets, literature distributions, texting campaigns, or other election activities.

Plus, your environmental caucus is able to endorse people we determine to be the strongest local, state, and national environmental candidates in the Florida Democratic primary.

Our election goals:

  • help our voters evaluate who to support in local elections.
  • support environmentalists and pro-democracy local, state, and national candidates.
  • understand how to vote on constitutional decisions that will be on the ballot.

The following committees will be meeting throughout January. Find an area of interest and join us!

  • Right to Clean Water committee
  • Communications committee
  • Newsletter committee
  • Meet and Greets committee
  • Environmental Justice committee
  • Member Recruitment committee

To find out more about ways you can work to advance the best environmental policies and candidates, contact Judy Freiberg, President, via email or phone: 314-409-9548.

Ongoing meetings – Make your voice heard in local government!

Collier County Board of County Commissioners

Collier County School Board

Naples City Council

Invitation to a Wine and cheese event January 25 at High Tide Studio

Noticias Políticas Para Hispanos – enero 1, 2024

¡Feliz año nuevo! – Las tradiciones hispanas de Navidad y celebraciones navideñas crecen en Collier

Las fiestas de Nochebuena y Año Nuevo nuevamente se habrán llenado estos últimos días de colores festivos, música alegre, cantos y bailes, además del aroma de comidas y bebidas especiales en los hogares hispanos del condado de Collier. Estas celebraciones habrán reflejado nuevamente las de sus familias y antepasados ​​en sus países de origen, continuando las ricas tradiciones de muchas generaciones.

El condado de Collier, donde el 29% de sus residentes son hispanos, es un claro ejemplo de esta creciente riqueza cultural, ya que un número cada vez mayor de sus habitantes pueden rastrear sus orígenes familiares hasta México, Cuba, América Central y la mayoría de los demás países de América Latina. Esta convergencia de culturas hispanas también ha traído un mayor conocimiento dentro de las comunidades hispanas de las diferencias entre sus respectivas culturas y tradiciones de celebración.

Para los cubanos, la Nochebuena es un importante momento de reunión familiar para cocinar la tan esperada pierna de cerdo asada. Para mexicanos y colombianos las celebraciones navideñas comienzan mucho antes. Celebran con familiares y amigos cada uno de los nueve días (la novena) antes de Navidad en sus hogares con cantos, bailes y platos locales especiales. En México, estas fiestas navideñas se llaman posadas, término que también se usa para celebrar y recrear el viaje de María y José y el nacimiento de Jesús.

Para dar la bienvenida y celebrar el Año Nuevo, es costumbre popular en muchos países comer a medianoche 12 lentejas (ya que simbolizan prosperidad y buena fortuna) y 12 uvas (cada uva significa buena suerte en cada mes del nuevo año).

¡El Partido Demócrata del Condado de Collier desea a la comunidad hispana del Condado de Collier una Muy Feliz Navidad y un Próspero Año Nuevo!

Voluntarios en 2024 Para las Campañas del Partido Demócrata en el Condado de Collier

El Partido Demócrata del condado de Collier necesita urgentemente su ayuda para asistirnos en las campañas electorales de 2024. Contamos con varios comités donde se pueden utilizar sus talentos y tiempo. Estos incluyen la participación en comités centrados en comunicaciones y mensajes, campañas, registro de votantes y eventos comunitarios. Se necesitará ayuda para la protección de los votantes (observación de elecciones, saludo en las urnas y más).

Por favor comuníquese con el Partido Demócrata del condado de Collier a través de lo siguiente:


Numero de teléfono: (239) 434-7754


Registro de Votantes

Lo antemencionado subraya la importancia para todos eligibles ciudadanos hispanos para:

Registrarse como votantes – haga el Clique a

Ejercer su voto en los periodos designados para votar en persona o registrarse para votar mediante boleto por correo – haga el Clique a

a recently-published article by the CCDEC Communications Committee

Judicial activism, the practice of judges interpreting the Constitution and laws to align with their personal views, has long sparked debate in the United States. The Warren and Burger Courts faced conservative backlash for perceived activism, while progressives saw it as adapting to contemporary issues, expanding privacy rights and allowing diverse marriages and pre-viability abortions.

However, recent shifts in the Supreme Court signal a reactionary turn, rolling back rights and discarding precedent. Trump-appointed justices, along with others, have sparked concern. Allegations of ethical lapses, such as justices accepting gifts from billionaires, raise questions about impartiality and the Court’s integrity.

The declining respect for the Court is evident in divisive decisions, like West Virginia v. EPA, rejecting EPA regulations on carbon emissions. The revelation of undisclosed vacations funded by billionaires, as seen in Clarence Thomas’s case, adds to skepticism about the Court’s integrity.

The Court’s departure from its traditional role is apparent in cases like Biden v. Nebraska, where it granted certiorari despite unclear litigant interest, blurring the lines between the judicial and legislative branches. In the HEROES’ Act tuition loan forgiveness case, the Court stretched the concept of standing, treating Missouri Higher Loan Authority (MOHELA) as synonymous with the State of Missouri, a move criticized for departing from precedent. The decision to reject Biden’s student loan plan raised concerns about a potential double standard, with the Court interpreting Congress’s intent while overlooking the term “waive.” This decision exemplifies judicial activism, as the Court molded the law to fit predetermined outcomes.

In 303 Creative LLC v. Elenis, the Court’s majority decision, allowing a business to refuse services to a protected class based on First Amendment rights, opens the door to broader discrimination. This marks a departure from previous rejections of claims for rights to discriminate.

The decision in Students for Fair Admissions, Inc. v. President and Fellows of Harvard University, ending affirmative action, is criticized for dismissing ongoing systemic racism and income disparities. Justice Thomas’s concurrence, despite benefiting from affirmative action, reflects a puzzling stance.

In questioning privacy rights in the Dobbs case, Justice Thomas omitted commentary on Virginia v. Loving, a case allowing interracial marriage, creating ambiguity about his stance. Systemic inequities persist, and diversity in higher education is seen as vital for progress.

Everything highlighted above underscores concerns about the Court’s recent decisions, ethical considerations, and deviations from established norms. The delicate balance between the judiciary and public trust is at stake, urging citizens to remain vigilant in safeguarding the principles that define our legal system.

Naples Christmas Parade

Due to voter suppression laws passed in 2021, EVERY FLORIDIAN WAS KICKED OFF THE VOTE-BY-MAIL ROLLS AT THE END OF 2022. Even if you have voted by mail in the past you will not receive another mail ballot unless you submit a new request. REQUEST YOUR MAIL BALLOT TODAY, even if you intend to vote in person. This way you have an option.

The Presidential Preference Primary election will be held on March 19, 2024!
Note that Florida is a closed primary state; voters may only vote within their party in Primary Elections.

There will also be a General Election on March 19 for Naples City Mayor and 3 Council members. LEARN MORE

Attend an orientation session to learn more about the Collier County Democratic Party and join our dedicated group of volunteers.

There is lots of work to be done as we approach the 2024 Election and WE NEED YOU!

There are many opportunities to choose from; contribute your time and talent to an activity you select.

CLICK HERE to register for an orientation session to learn about the organization and the multiple committees that advance our mission. If you cannot find a time that works for you, contact Vickie McCormick and she will find a time that fits into your schedule.

Current volunteer opportunities include…

  • March in and/or help with the Martin Luther King Jr Parade
  • Help out at Collier Dems HQ
  • Communications committee
  • Campaign committee
  • Voter Registration efforts
  • Ambassadors for the March Gala

The Collier County Democratic Executive Committee (CCDEC) is the official, local county arm of the Florida Democratic Party. The CCDEC has oversight over all Democratic Party activities within Collier County. LEARN MORE


Your Collier County Democratic Party is an all-volunteer self-sustaining organization. Your donations allow us to support Democratic candidates, prepare election materials for distribution to voters, help fund our vote-by-mail and voter registration efforts, and allow us to maintain a local party headquarters for the use of volunteers and candidates.

Can you donate just $20.24 today for our 2024 Victory Fund? Thank you!
HELP US #AmplifyYourVoice!
Collier County Democratic Party
Florida Democratic Party
Partido Demócrata de Florida