Will You Help the Fight for Reproductive Freedom?

Let’s Put Reproductive Rights on the Ballot in 2024!


A proposed amendment to the state constitution will protect reproductive rights in Florida, but we’ll need your help!

We are collaborating with Floridians Protecting Freedom, a statewide coalition of organizations and concerned citizens working together to protect our access to reproductive health care and defend the right to body autonomy.  Their citizen-led ballot initiative, the “Amendment to Limit Government Interference with Abortion,” seeks to codify the right to reproductive choice into Florida law by creating a constitutional amendment that explicitly blocks the implementation of laws that prohibit, delay, or restrict abortion access.

To get this proposed amendment on the ballot in 2024, we’ll need one million signatures of registered Florida voters. 


Contact us to join a virtual training event and learn how to help gather signatures for this petition.

You’ll receive training and materials to gather signatures at assigned locations. All supplies will be provided.

Central to the concept of freedom is the liberty to hold diverse beliefs and make choices based on one’s conscience and personal circumstances.

Forced pregnancy is not freedom.

Can’t Join Us? You Can Still Help!


If you are registered to vote in Florida, you can download, print, and complete your own petition form!


This is the separate document referenced on the petition, for your information. It DOES NOT need to be printed or sent in with your petition.

Complete, sign, and mail or drop off your petition:

Collier County Democratic Headquarters
600 Goodlette Rd #110, Naples FL 34102
Office Open: Mon. – Fri. 1:00 – 4:00 PM

WHO CAN SIGN? Any registered Florida voter.

CAN I COLLECT PETITIONS FROM OTHER PEOPLE? Yes! Individuals can collect petitions on their own and send them in together. Sign up as a volunteer and you will get access to resources to help you more effectively collect petitions.

WILL THERE BE A RECORD OF MY SIGNATURE? Yes. This is a public record, just like whether or not you are a registered voter.

I’VE FILLED THIS OUT BEFORE. CAN I STILL SIGN? You can only sign a petition once. Please look at the language on this petition to ensure you didn’t sign a different petition.