Newsletter, Collier County Florida Democratic Party

December 2023


Jane Schlechtweg
Collier County Democratic Party Chair

Letter from the Chair

Last month, I highlighted the impressive achievements of the Biden-Harris administration for the American people. Now, I want to showcase some positive developments in Florida attributable to the Biden-Harris administration.

Since the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law passed, approximately $10.1 billion has been announced for transportation infrastructure – to invest in roads, bridges, public transit, ports, and airports – and roughly $800 million has been announced for clean water and water infrastructure. Florida received $1.2 billion to connect everyone in the state to reliable high-speed internet and, as of today, more than 1,579,000 Florida households are already saving on their monthly internet bill due to the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law.

In the last decade, Florida has experienced 10 extreme weather events, costing the state up to $227 billion in damages. The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law makes a historic investment to bolster our resilience against pressing challenges like impacts of climate change, extreme weather events, and other hazards like cyberattacks. The Biden administration has consistently shown its commitment to Floridians, with billions of dollars used to fortify against catastrophic storms, reducing storm damage, and aiding affordable homeowners’ insurance.

To date, Florida has been allocated approximately $1.5 billion for infrastructure storm resiliency, including $51.5 million through the Army Corps of Engineers. A grant of close to $1 billion has been allocated to the State of Florida from HUD, via the Community Development Block Grant Disaster Relief Program. Individual homeowners can apply for this help with the State of Florida. The Collier County Democratic Environmental Caucus is mobilizing efforts to inform neighbors about accessing these resources. If you are interested in getting involved with the Collier County Environmental Caucus and help them spread the word about the Army Corps of Engineers’ study and HUD funds for affordable housing, contact

And finally, as the holiday season approaches, I find myself reflecting on the strength of our shared values and the spirit of unity that defines our Democratic community. Amid festivities and joy, I want to extend warm wishes to each one of you.

This year has presented its challenges, but together, we’ve shown resilience and commitment to the principles that bind us. Our collective efforts and dedication have been a beacon of hope, reflecting the true spirit of democracy.

May this holiday season bring you moments of joy, connection, and reflection. As we gather with loved ones, let’s carry the spirit of inclusivity, compassion, and understanding into the new year.

In the coming months, let’s continue to work together to build a brighter future, where equality, justice, and progress flourish. Your unwavering support is the driving force behind our shared vision, and I am grateful to stand alongside you in this journey.

Wishing you and your loved ones a joyful holiday season and a new year filled with hope, positive change, and continued camaraderie.

As always, remember to sign up for Vote By Mail at

Jane Schlechtweg
Collier County Democratic Party Chair

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.” Margaret Mead

Update on the Abortion Ballot Initiative

Floridians Protecting Freedom, the citizen-led campaign to put an “Amendment to Limit Government Interference with Abortion” on the November 2024 ballot, is now focusing on a select number of congressional districts to meet the required petition quotas. To that end, the urgent need now is for funds to support paid petition gatherers.

Please consider making a donation via the button below, either for yourself or on behalf of a loved one. Donations make an excellent holiday gift for the person who already has everything they need!

The proposed Florida constitutional amendment that would protect Floridians’ freedom to access abortion states:

No law shall prohibit, penalize, delay, or restrict abortion before viability or when necessary to protect the patient’s health, as determined by the patient’s healthcare provider. This amendment does not change the Legislature’s constitutional authority to require notification to a parent or guardian before a minor has an abortion.

Collier County Democratic Executive Committee (DEC) Meetings

The DEC is the local official arm of the Florida Democratic Party and is comprised of elected Committeemen and Women. Official meetings are held on the first Wednesday of each month at 6:30 PM.

The next meeting of the Collier County Democratic Executive Committee (DEC) will be held on
DECEMBER 6, 2023, in person
at Democratic Party Headquarters

600 Goodlette-Frank Rd # 110, Naples, FL 34102

This month, there will be an opportunity to meet and socialize with the Democratic Executive Committee members beginning at 6:00, with the business meeting to begin at 6:30 P.M.

Guests please register to attend the social event and/or the business meeting.

Registered Democrats may attend and observe as guests, and guests must register ahead of time. Only DEC members may vote and participate in the meeting.

Mark your calendars: The January meeting will be held on January 3, in person at the party headquarters.

Noticias Políticas Para Hispanos

Importancia Económica de la Comunidade Hispana en U.S.A.

La producción económica total de los latinos en U.S.A. fue de 2,8 billones de dólares en 2020, frente a los 2,1 billones de dólares de 2015. Si los latinos en U.S.A. fueran un país independiente, el Producto Interno Bruto (PIB) latino de U.S.A. sería el quinto más grande del mundo, mayor que el del Reino Unido, Francia o India.

Si bien es impresionante por su tamaño, el PIB latino se destaca por su rápido crecimiento. De 2010 a 2020, el PIB latino de U.S.A. fue el tercero de más rápido crecimiento entre los 10 países con mayor PIB, mientras que la economía estadounidense en general ocupó el quinto lugar.

La comunidad latina de U.S.A. ha representado casi el 80% de las nuevas incorporaciones netas a nuestra fuerza laboral durante la última década. Al mismo tiempo este segmento representa el 52% de todas las empresas netas de nuevos empleadores, lo que le convierte en el segmento empresarial más prolífico de nuestro país. La juventud de este segmento significa que muchos de esos trabajadores ahora tienen la experiencia y las habilidades que les permiten ascender en la escala de ingresos.

Las características clave de la comunidad latina que impulsan su éxito general son las siguientes:

  1. Fuerte dedicación a trabajar: tasas de participación laboral más altas que las de otros segmentos de la población, incluso durante la pandemia de COVID
  2. Autosuficiencia: los latinos tradicionalmente hacen menos uso de la asistencia social y otros programas de beneficios públicos. Esto también fue cierto durante la pandemia y el uso empresarial del Programa de Protección de Cheques de Pago del gobierno federal.
  3. Optimismo: los latinos tienden a ser más optimistas sobre el futuro que otros grupos encuestados.

Fuente: The LDC (Latino Donor Collaborative) Latino GDP Report

Logros Económicos del Presidente Biden

Las estadísticas y hechos de la economía estadounidense durante los tres años de la administración Biden han demostrado que ha sido una de las economías con mejor desempeño del mundo. Esto a pesar de las presiones inflacionarias experimentadas como resultado de los cuellos de botella de la oferta global, así como de la fuerte política monetaria expansiva impulsada por el Federal Reserve Bank, organismo independiente en sus esfuerzos por salvaguardar la economía estadounidense.

Además, los años de la presidencia del Presidente Biden han sido significativos por sus logros a la hora de rescatar la economía estadounidense del desastroso cierre económico nacional y mundial que fue provocado por la pandemia de COVID. Además, el Presidente Biden ha logrado que se adopten como ley numerosas propuestas legislativas importantes que han impulsado una creación récord de nuevos empleos, un bajo desempleo y un fuerte crecimiento salarial y económico. Entre ellas se incluyen el Plan de Rescate Estadounidense, la Ley de Infraestructura y Empleo (que proporcionó la mayor reinversión en la infraestructura del país en décadas), la Ley CHIPS y Ciencia (aseguró el liderazgo tecnológico de U.S.A.) y la Ley de Reducción de la Inflación (invierte en energía limpia, cambio climático y reduce el costo de los medicamentos recetados).

Los medios de comunicación conservadores de derecha y sus portavoces (incluidos Fox News y Newsmax), transmiten continuamente información errónea alegando sobre la desastrosa condición de la economía estadounidense, una descripción que no está respaldada por datos y hechos económicos.

Se destacan las siguientes estadísticas económicas:

  1. Fuerte crecimiento económico: 4,9% durante los 12 meses finalizados el 30 de septiembre de 2023
  2. Tasas de inflación en declive: actualmente 3,7% para los 12 meses terminados el 30 de septiembre de 2023 en comparación con el 8% a fines de 2022 con un crecimiento saludable de los salarios laborales del 4,6% para fines del tercer trimestre de 2023.
  3. Alta creación de empleo: 14,4 millones de nuevos empleos desde el comienzo de la administración Biden en enero de 2021 con 2,3 millones en lo que va del año hasta el 30 de septiembre de 2023.
  4. Bajo desempleo (3,8% a finales del 30 de septiembre de 2023), dentro de niveles récord
  5. Dólar estadounidense fuerte – en relación con otras monedas importantes
  6. Déficit fiscal: déficit fiscal presupuestado es fuertemente mejorado para el 2023 de 1,6 billones de dólares en comparación con los 3,1 billones de dólares del último año de la administración Trump.

El gobernador DeSantis se negó a hablar con Univisión después del segundo debate presidencial republicano

El gobernador DeSantis se negó a ser entrevistado por Univisión, la cadena de televisión hispana luego del segundo debate republicano para la presidencia a pesar de que Univisión fue la única cadena en español que transmitió el debate completo a través de su red de estaciones.

Entre los candidatos demócratas a Senador de los Estados Unidos por Florida hay una mujer hispana

Actualmente hay once candidatos anunciados del Partido Demócrata que compiten para las elecciones de noviembre de 2024 para el escaño en el Senado de los Estados Unidos que actualmente ocupa el senador Rick Scott, un republicano.

Entre ellos se incluye a Debbie Mucarsel-Powell, una mujer hispana de Miami que fue congresista estadounidense que representó al distrito 26 de Florida (principalmente el condado de Miami-Dade) de 2019 a 2021. Fue derrotada en su candidatura a la reelección por Carlos Giménez, el anterior alcalde de muchos años del condado de Miami-Dade que disfrutó del voto aplastante para los candidatos republicanos en el condado de Miami-Dade en las elecciones de 2022.

Anteriormente trabajó para la Universidad Internacional de Florida como Decana de las Facultades de Salud y Medicina, donde dirigió un programa para ampliar el acceso a atención médica asequible a más floridanos.

Nació en Ecuador y emigró con sus padres a los Estados Unidos cuando era una joven estudiante. Asistió a la universidad en los Estados Unidos, donde se especializó en ciencias políticas y economía política internacional en 1996. Fue la primera inmigrante nacida en Sudamérica en ser elegida para el Congreso de los Estados Unidos.

Registro de Votantes

La anterior información enfatiza la importancia para todos eligibles ciudadanos Hispanos para:

  1. Registrarse como votantes – Hacer el clique aquí:
  2. Ejercer su voto en los periodos designados para votar en persona o registrarse para votar por boleta por correo: – Hacer el clique aquí:

¡Únase a nosotros para dar forma al futuro del condado de Collier! Buscamos personas apasionadas para representar a su comunidad en el Partido Demócrata del condado de Collier. Sea la voz que su vecindario merece. Juntos, construyamos una comunidad más fuerte e inclusiva. Comuníquese con el oficial ejecutivo local del partido para obtener más información e involucrarse por medio del siguiente email:

Democratic Club and Caucus News and Events!

Collier County Democratic Club

The CCDC Holiday Get Together will be held on Monday, December 11 from 5:00 to 7:00 pm.

Come join us for our Holiday Get Together on the terrace at Mulligan’s Bar & Grill within the Hibiscus Country Club. The dinner menu with appetizers and drinks are offered.

We will make a donation to children at The Immokalee Rural Neighborhood Association. Last year, along with several other organizations, we provided 325 children with $25 gift cards! Please bring a check in an amount of your choosing for Rural Neighborhoods, Inc.

We hope to see you for a fun, festive evening!

Click here to register.

Democratic Women’s Club of Marco

There will be no formal meeting of DWC Marco in December. The next meeting will take place on Tuesday, January 9, 5:00 – 6:30 pm in person at Mackle Park Community Center, 1361 Andalusia Terrace (Marco Island). Our featured speakers will be Kari Lerner, who is running for Congress against Byron Donalds, and Gwyn Gittens, former Lee County School Board Member.

DWC Marco wishes you and your families a very Happy and Safe Holiday Season.

Community members interested in joining the club and promoting our Democratic values while supporting its charitable efforts can go to or contact us at


Collier County Democratic Environmental Caucus of Florida (CCDECF)

Pollution, extreme weather, rising costs, the hottest year on record. There’s no escaping the reality of the climate crisis, especially here in Florida.

The 2024 elections are critical if we want to TAKE BACK FLORIDA and protect our local communities from further damage.

The Collier County Democratic Environmental Caucus is organizing activities for the 2024 election season. We aim to educate voters and help elect democratic candidates who will take action to protect our communities against climate impacts. And we need your help. Read below to learn how you can get involved.

As always, thank you for your support and we hope to see you soon!

1. Join the Legislative Action Committee and help develop our FL Environmental Platform.
Our state caucus, DECF, is engaged in several activities to support good Democratic environmental candidates and elected leaders including:

  • conducting legislative research, tracking, and advocacy
  • developing recommendations on policy for candidates and legislators
  • recruiting and endorsing candidates using our endorsement procedures
  • developing communications for campaigns, newsletters, social media, and webinars

Please reach out to Judy Freiberg to discuss how you can help support these efforts. This can be done from home on your own time.

2. Host a Democratic house party, happy hour, or meet and greet.
House parties are a fun and effective way to help your neighbors understand the importance of voting in our local elections. By offering information on local environmental issues and the legislation and candidates impacting it, you can help protect our communities from the impacts of climate change while socializing with your Democratic neighbors and having fun! Reach out to Liz Sunderland to learn more.

3. Help underserved communities protect their homes from extreme weather.
The Biden Administration has allocated billions of dollars to help low- and moderate-income communities withstand future catastrophic storms, like they endured during Hurricane Ian. Members of our Caucus are helping to notify residents of underserved communities about how they can access federal resources to protect their homes from future storm flooding.

4. Volunteer for a Caucus committee.
The Caucus is preparing for a busy 2024 election cycle and looking for people who want to contribute their skills and time to help us. Committees will be developed over the coming weeks and begin work in early 2024. Reach out to Liz Sunderland to learn more.

Interested in contributing but don’t have time to volunteer? Donate here. Your donation will help us fund environmental education, advocacy, and election activities.

The CCDECF has a mission to elect candidates at the local, state, and national level who will promote sound environmental policies. To do this, our Caucus engages in activities that educate voters and candidates about best approaches to our environmental challenges. Reach out to Liz Sunderland ( with any questions and connect with us on Facebook and LinkedIn!

Reminder to Re-register for Vote By Mail

Due to voter suppression laws passed in 2021, EVERY FLORIDIAN WAS KICKED OFF THE VOTE-BY-MAIL ROLLS AT THE END OF 2022. Even if you have voted by mail in the past you will not receive another mail ballot unless you submit a new request. REQUEST YOUR MAIL BALLOT TODAY, even if you intend to vote in person. This way you have an option.

Remember: The Presidential Preference Primary election will be held on March 19, 2024! Note that Florida is a closed primary state; voters may only vote within their party in Primary Elections.

There will also be a General Election on March 19 for Naples City Mayor and 3 Council members. Learn more.

Learn About the Party and All the Volunteer Opportunities!

Come to an orientation session to learn about the Collier County Democratic Party and join our dedicated group of volunteers.

There is lots of work to be done as we approach the 2024 Election and WE NEED YOU!

There are many opportunities to choose from; contribute your time and talent to an activity you select.

CLICK HERE to register for an orientation session to learn about the organization and the multiple Committees that advance our mission. If you cannot find a time that works for you, contact Vickie McCormick at and she will find a time that fits into your schedule.

Other upcoming events that Democrats may be interested in…

Ongoing meetings – Make your voice heard in local government!

Collier School Board  

Collier County Board of County Commissioners  

Naples City Council