Collier County Democratic Party
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Please sign up for Voter Registration at FSW at 7505 Grand Lely Drive, Naples, 34113. We will have two days of tabling, with two shifts on each day – April 24 and 25 from 10:00 to 3:00. This will be a non-partisan event at the request of the school, so please wear neutral gear such as shirts that say VOTE. We will set up card tables and chairs near the student lounge. I have one table and four chairs, and it would be great if someone else could bring another card table and a few chairs. The school will not provide them. If you have a card table to offer, please email me or call me, you don’t have to sign up to work the event. Training will be on April 20 (see Mobilize) so newbies to VR are welcome! Please bring water and a hat for comfort.

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